P.O. Box 836934
Richardson, Texas 75083-6934

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Saturday - Closed • Sunday - Closed

P.O. Box 836934
Richardson, Texas 75083-6934

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Saturday - Closed • Sunday - Closed

Steal Attention by Sharing Gratitude This Thanksgiving

We’d be fibbing if we said we didn’t relish the gift-giving traditions we share with our business partners. Watching the office fill up with goodies from our go-to vendors gives us a holiday glow. In fact, whoever claims to be bored by the poinsettias and peanut brittle their vendors send every Christmas is lying. Holiday gifts—especially edible ones—are traditional relationship builders in marketing.

Yet fond as we are of our friends’ Christmas goodies, they could do better. We hope you don’t suspect any ingratitude. That’s not it at all. It’s just that we don’t revel as much in the caramel popcorn tin when a crate of fresh oranges arrives almost as soon as we open it. That’s the trouble with holiday gifts. Everyone is in on them.

Corporate gifts represent a sizable investment: there’s no shame in maximizing the ROI. So what are we getting at? Just that Thanksgiving is coming up quickly. This is the perfect time to beat your customers’ other vendors to the punch. Instead of sending Christmas cards or something to nibble on for New Year’s, show customers you care with a Thanksgiving thank-you.

Word of Thanks
Christmas cards are popular because they’re classic and easy to personalize. But Thanksgiving cards function just as well. Mailing a card with a note telling clients how thankful you are for them always goes over well. You may also print a newsletter about what’s new in your office. Include a picture of your staff.

Turkey Day Treats
Holiday food will never, ever get old. But traditional Thanksgiving fare is often shunned in favor of the old Christmas standards. Pumpkin pie or apple cider will delight peppermint-shy customers. Create a customized label to feature on the box so that your Thanksgiving thank-you is extra special.

Bunch of Mums
We mentioned poinsettias because they’re one of our favorite ways to cheer up the office at the end of the year. But that makes November pretty drab. It’s still pumpkin season! Hand-deliver pumpkins with specially printed tags attached. Mums are pretty and easily deliverable Thanksgiving gifts too.

You certainly don’t have to cut holiday gifts this year. But if your budget allows, send tokens of Thanksgiving-themed appreciation in addition to your existent year-end marketing.